Sunday, May 22, 2016


A642.9.3.RB – The Innovation Experience

            Generally, innovation is referenced, as a way of creating something that will change the course of older versions of what has been previously created. Additionally, innovation is believed to happen when necessity strikes. Nevertheless, nothing prepared me for what I have learned throughout the course of this class. This course has innovated my leadership skills, mindset, and my own creativity. While this course has been a learning experience in many ways, I do believe, leaders never stop learning. For that reason, although there were many components that influenced my perspective in regards to innovation three were crucial; The Canfield and Smith’s five-step structure, disruptive innovation, and Schroeder’s innovation journey.

            The first element, Canfield and Smith’s five-step structure allow individuals to have creative thinking and innovate new ideas (Canfield & Smith, 2011). Organizations begin to fail when they start getting comfortable where they are. Complacency is the number one factor affecting organizations into succeeding when other competitors do actually seek innovation. Under the five steps, step one, the long search evaluates that creating something takes time and effort. Additionally, step two; little apparent progress explains that advancement occurs with some to no progress at all. The third step, precipitating event talks about the breakthrough happening because something caused the precipitation to change. Moreover, step four, cognitive snap happens once the innovation process has occurred, and a plan to solve a problem is in place. Last but not least, step five, transformation is self explanatory, as it regenerates how the mind processes and changes how the mind usually thinks. Prototypes can be easily handled when this structure is in use, as people have new ideas. More often than expected, I have been able to better complete a task at work if I divide the work into sections through a week or a couple of days. My work is very demanding and concentrating in solely one task drains people’s brain.

            Disruptive innovation did not only influence me but it can sometimes undermine existing products, firms, organizations, etc. With that expectation clear, trying to keep up with innovative ideas is reasonable. Change is inevitable but knowing the perfect timing to accept such changes is a key factor. "If our long study of disruption has led us to any universal conclusion, it is that every industry will eventually face it" (Christensen, Wang & van Bever, 2013, para. 45). Some organizations need to remain almost intact through the years to maintain their starters essence and their customers. Every business is unique and what may work in some, may not work in others. Maxwell Wessel and Clayton Christensen (2013) advised, “disruptive innovations are like missiles launched at your business” (para. 1) and being prepared matters. For that reason, this could be useful in the near future if I indeed become a doctor, as change is expected to happen many times a year. The only way a doctor can remain indispensable, is by accepting change and learning from it.

            Lastly, Schroeder’s innovation journey suggests that, “the smart innovator accepts that the path cannot be known before it is has been made”
(McKeown, 2014, p. 2809). This innovation is a crucial element that has already influenced my innovative perspective many times. Understanding how the innovation journey really works, aids people like myself into having realistic expectations when they are in the process of creating something new. “The challenge is that it’s seldom easy to see where a new idea starts, where it’s going to go next or if it will ever stop developing”
(McKeown, 2014, p. 2809). When this is ignored because we do not have the perfect way of innovating something from scratch, five setbacks are faced; competition and power will determine the criteria in which success is measured; innovation will face undetermined people who will agree and disagree with the ideas and demands; investors; partners; and the interaction between others and the infrastructure. All in all, I could definitely make use of this element while in the medical field that while innovation is great, it can also demonstrate to be a long process and sometimes not work.

            To conclude, this has definitely been a challenging semester in different ways but I am thankful to push myself everyday more and know that I am learning something new. Progress is part of being an innovative leader.


Canfield, J., & Smith, G. (2011).  Imagine: Ideation Skills for Improvement and Innovation Today.  Holland, MI:  Black Lake Press.

Christensen, C.M., Wang, D. & van Bever, D. (2013). Consulting on the cusp of disruption. Harvard Business Review. 91.10.107-114.

Mckeown, M. (2014). The innovation book: How to manage ideas and execution for outstanding results (1st Ed.). FT Press.

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